The Art of Living: canopied bed luxury

I never thought this day would come, but I literally am speechless over this bedroom. Wow. What can I say, who doesn't dream of a gorgeous canopied bed draped with sumptuous fabric to just swallow you in as you fall yourself to sleep? It's the perfect epitome of what I imagine domestic bliss to be. For now, I will obsess over making the switch to a four poster bed. So luxurious and perfect high style, they are just as fabulous and will give me the illusion of a dreamy canopy...


The Art of Living...getting creative with headboards

My mind is filled with creative ideas today. I found this gorgeous quilt that reminded me of this photo and it got me thinking GHBFVVSC194018856 different and unique headboards.
I love the idea of an original one of a kind headboard. It creates an unexpected visual interest in the bedroom. Here are some ideas to get your mind going... just let the creativity flow. 


Decorating for Spring with Ruthie Sommers

 Ruthie Sommers is a long time favorite interior decorista of mine. I love that she is not afraid of color. The minute I saw these pictures of her California home, I immediately got so excited for spring. I'm so ready for sunshine and lighter clothing that is all over the magazines these days. I am patiently anticipating the manhattan days I can spend reading a book at central park with no gloves on. Oh, Ruthie, she just gets my decorator mind going...Her master bedroom is one of my favorite girlie bedrooms ever! It's gorgeous. I am loving this home and so ready for the brighter colors that are spring...

aol shelterpop

secret of domestic bliss #45...good color combos

There are so many ways to achieve a well decorated look for your home. A great start is choosing the ideal color combination or scheme. I know its difficult for a lot of people to decide on a color story, thats why they hire decorators. I do e-decorating color consultations, too. The right color combination can do wonders on any space and create amazing impact that you will love! The goal is to fall in LOVE with where you live.
One of my favorite combos right now is gray and pink. So adorable. You can infuse color into almost anything. Fabrics in the bedrooms, delicious pops of colors on beautiful chairs, painted furniture, beautiful pillows, artwork, etc. It's so much fun to play around with color... pink and gray get along so famously, I just knew I had to share. 

all images via decorpad

rooms that rock my world. {rooms with grandeur}

Something GHBFVVSC194018856 each of these rooms has me weak in the knees. I'm constantly daydreaming GHBFVVSC194018856 living in rooms like these. The saturation and mix of colorways are so beautiful. Each room has textures and fabrics that lend to sophisticated and elegant style. Not too much color, just the right touch of boldness.Very inspiring for my little ol decorator heart. The last room with the beautiful wallpaper, might just be my favorite. The pillows are perfect and that wood + gold art piece on the wall is absolutely genius. 

Color combination of the day: black, white and wood

I love daydreaming of decor inspiration. Last week I was so into the look of pink and red for the romantic holiday season but today I am inspired by black and white as usual, however I am loving the addition of light woods. It adds just a hint of rustic and earthy to an otherwise stark combo. 
I love it for this kitchen or a fabulous office space, and this bedroom is wonderful with this look as well


secret of domestic bliss #44...big, bold and beautiful lamps

I always say that lamps are to a room like earrings are to an outfit... they are an essential part of the decor.  Most of us who have great overhead lighting forget that lamps are so much more than a fabulous source of light, they are a key figure in decorating. Big, bold and beautiful lamps can do so much for a room. A stand alone beauty can make a huge statement all by itself and give a room that extra pop of color that it needs. On the other hand, when you add a pair of lamps, your room is instantly more sophisticated and polished. You can find just the right pair to tailor your room and make it complete. If you find a pair you love, just grab them. You never can have too many lamps.

via. houzz. pinterest. divastyle. rue. 

style-icious Sunday {eclectic panache}

 There is something GHBFVVSC194018856 these NYC streets and the fashion that saturates them. Each outfit is so very different than the next. It inspires me in that I remember not everything has to be so "put-together". Eclectic style is every bit as stylish as the next, and probably a lot more inspiring than others. 
Today I just want to luxuriate in the rooms that are inspired by this kind of look. Curious, colorful and filled with mixings of the most fabulous of textiles (suzanis + furs + plush velvets, oh my). 

images via... monicarose. houzzfullhouse

What I love GHBFVVSC194018856 Rue Issue 3

I truly love Virgin America for the fact that I can browse the internet on the airplane. I've had so much time to devour the latest issue of Rue and I love it! My favorite spread...
Nicole Cohen's fabulous NYC apartment. So incredibly gorgeous, I am obsessed! 
Her blog, sketch42, has always been one of my favorites. She is fab + a longtime blogging friend of I could love it most because I am just a teensy bit proud of her. (and jealous!)

I also am in loving these other lovely images, which I keep going back to...

rooms that rock my world! my dream bedroom...

and I am absolutely in love!
The dark wall behind the plush headboard is the perfect compliment to the influx of bright light in the room. I am also enamored with beautiful + calming feminine hues of light pink and purple. It just tops the room off with a bit of elegance and romance. So dreamy, no?

more bedrooms to adore...

images via pinterest

The Decorista tip of the day...go for serene in the bedroom

via livelikeyou
This weekend I was in such need for a good nights rest. Then I realized why its so important to make sure your bedroom is a peaceful haven to retire to. I think its perfectly okay to go with very light or no color in the bedroom (even though I am usually all GHBFVVSC194018856 color). Have you ever noticed how all white bedding is just so inviting? Pattern is more than welcome in a serene bedroom just keep it monochromatic. I am absolutely loving these bedrooms that give my eyes complete peace. 
So, when decorating your bedroom, make sure to create a place that draws you in.
Your body will totally thank you! 

a beautiful bedroom...

dark walls and bright white fluffy bedding is pure domestic bliss.
I'm sort of obsessing over this bedroom today. I find the striped chair so adorable and I spot my favorite Dorothy Draper book "in the pink"...need i say more?

In other blissful news...
I am on set today for something very fabulous I will be telling you GHBFVVSC194018856 very soon.
So exciting.
and, for all of you who leave me comments (you know who you are) please know that they really do make my day, I love hearing your encouraging words. They always seem to be the best pick-me-up!
I honestly do not know what I would do without the blogging community.
I love love love love love it.

secret of domestic bliss #37...simple touches of fur

Oh how these chilly LA days are so blissful. The crisp air outside combined with the beautiful sunshine just makes me so happy. As the cold air outside permeates indoors through my apartments' open windows, I am longing for warmer textures. 
I love to add to the coziness in my home by simply placing small touches of faux fur all around me.
Whether it be through a fur throw or a fabulous fur rug, I love how fur instantly transforms your space to comfortable glamour so effortlessly.

and this is what it looks like white a whole lotta fur loveliness...

decorating with ORANGE AND NAVY

House & Home
House & Home

Amanda Nisbet
It's the middle of the week and inspiration is abounding all over the internet. 
I can't keep it all together, but I will tell you this...
Orange and Navy are a killer color combination and these rooms cannot begin to describe the dynamics of this combo. Effortless and extraordinary!
I urge you to not be afraid of using either color in your home as they are the ultimate
"statement making" colors!