secret of domestic bliss #23... decorate with your magazines + books

If you are like me and a self professed "design nerd", you probably have more books and magazines than you know what to do with. I mean, we all love a good bookcase filled with tons and tons of fabulous books, but what happens when you run out of room and places to put your
treasured reads....stacks and stacks of books + magazines.
My mom used to sneak in my room and throw them all away so when I finally moved out on my own I started to keep every single can imagine I have quite a collection.
I have learned that It doesn't have to look junky (see mom!).
You certainly can make your home look chic and stylish with stacks and stacks of mags + books.
Don't you agree?
(this is my aunts house in NYC....and it looks uber sophisticated with piles of books)

(i love books in the kitchen...something carrie bradshaw would do)

loving how this blogger rocked the stacks look in her home studio...

or you can be really clever and do a little something like this. love!

images from... unknown, sc, domino, nymag, pw, bruce hemming, rearranged design,,designsage, mfamb, designsponge, lovemaegansimplyseleta ,

book love: jonathan adler Chic + Inside Today's Home vintage

If you haven't read Jonathan Adler's book
you must get it now!
It's so much fun and filled with so many great ideas and inspiring photos.
One of my favorites has always been this little vignette of his home...I think it is the adorable guy with a little mustache. 
Anyway, I always had this photo in the back of my mind and always was curious GHBFVVSC194018856 his book selections (like I am every other designer). 
To my absolute surprise...I recognized this book
INSIDE TODAYS HOME at a vintage store in palm springs...This book is fantastic.
Jam packed with decor tips and photos from the 70's. It's like a fun encyclopedia of decorating with everything from spacing to fabrics to glass to resources. I love it.
If you see this book at a local thrift store, get it. You wont be disappointed! 

and in other blissful news...I am guest blogger today at the beautiful Helena's blog...
A diary of lovely. and it is so lovely!
check out her blog and the post here.

Happy Monday! + giveaway... Thom Filicia Style

So...It was a great weekend here in Los Angeles and I have been dying to share this with you.
HD Buttercup had Thom Filicia out to showcase his new furniture line.
His work is amazing, and if you don't know him, google him...
and check out his work. It's fantastic!
So, of course I had to go and check out the new line.
It was such a blast to be there and meet his uber sweet self. love him.

There was a meet + greet and book signing and when I mentioned I have a design blog,
he was kind enough to slip me a signed copy of his book for a giveaway.
(i was totally thinking of my blogging decor-istas who live too far away to be there)

So ladies + gents....
this book could be yours!

and it's a signed copy...too cool!
This book is great.
He shares his secrets (and i do love the secrets) to decorating and I'm telling you, the man has got great style.

How to enter:
1) Become a follower of Secrets of Domestic Bliss
2) leave a comment on this post
3) for an added entry make a blog post GHBFVVSC194018856 the giveaway.
4) follow me on twitter and tweet GHBFVVSC194018856 it.
(+ let me know GHBFVVSC194018856 them so i can give you another entry)

Winner will be chosen at the end of the week!
Good luck party people!!!

For now, check out some scenes from his new furniture line.
(not the best images...i so need a new camera)

His stuff is awesomeness! Trust me people, in person its waaay better!

wanting to be 'guild-ed'

I am so digging on Tricia Guild's latest fabric collections.
If I could, I think I would cover an entire guest home in her wall coverings + fabrics.
I love love love anything make me happy.
These particular fabrics would complete me.
Check her stuff out.
p.s. she also have amazing inspirational books that I keep around the house for fun.

Kelly Wearstler HUE

It's here, It's here! It's finally here. 
I have been awaiting this book for oh so long.
It is perfectly titled, 'Hue', because the colors in this book are outrageous
I respect her so much because she breaks the mold every time. 
True 70's + 80's style is back in and her whimsical style gives it the perfect complements. 
I am reading through it and devouring the pages over and over. 
I think for any girl who loves to decorate, this book will give you some insight for what's to come in design. 
I heart kelly wearstler!
(always the ultimate cover girl)
(so loving purple and gold right now)
(images from HUE)

Design IdoL: Abigail Ahern

Abigail Ahern is the wonderfully talented mastermind behind the book 'A girls guide to Decorating'. This woman is mind-blowingly creative and actually pretty funny too. Her style is followed by most design fanatics in the UK. She has a sort of fun and free approach to decorating. She has a book out, a textiles line, fantastic wallpapers, and some tounge-in-cheeck accessories to boot. She has accomplished so much for herself, how could she not be my idol? This woman is definitely one to watch out for, she will be world famous someday! 

great idea to add some funk to a classy home
taxidermy in the home is so NOW! 

can't wait till this book arrives at my home (ordered yesterday)
this wallpaper is genius

60's style

While researching 1960's Interiors here, I found some awesome images from the Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement. The 60's must have been a blast, the fashion from the 60's is out of control (in a good way) and from what I have gathered the interiors were fabulous as well. The use of color is so bold and exciting. I would love to have done house tours back then! Imagine the fun! I think being a set decorator for a tv show or movie set in the 60's would be a definite DREAM PROJECT!